Random selection
Superman 018 (2013) (2 covers) (Digital) (G85-Empire)
Dead Man Logan 12 (of 12) (2019) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
X-23 004 (2018) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Wolverine Weapon X 006 (2009) (Minutemen-UltimatePower)
Action Comics 358 (1968) (c2c)
Death of Wolverine (2015) (digital HC) (Minutemen-Faessla)
Smallville - Lantern 006 (2014) (Digital) (JK-Empire)
Captain Atom v02 (2013) (digital-Empire)
Wolverine Weapon X 011 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD)
Superman Annual 04 (1992) (Novus Year Three) (RoyalTalon-Novus-HD)
Action Comics 012 (1939) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)
035 - X-Men Legacy 268 (2012) (2 Covers) (noads) (Minutemen-Meganubis)
Old Man Logan 029 (2017) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
The Flash Rebirth (2009) (Digital HC) (Zone-Empire)
Action Comics 079 (1944) (paper) (c2c) (L246)
Old Man Logan 043 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Thoth)
Superman-Batman 030 (2006) (Digital) (JK-Empire)
Supergirl 016 (2007) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire)
Wolverine 310 (2012) (Stephen Platt Sketch ) (ScanDog+ArtNet)
Wild Thing 04 (of 05) (2000) (Meganubis)
Wolverine 058 (2007) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla)
Wolverine and Jubilee 03 (of 4) (2011) (digital) (HD) (Minutemen-PhD)
Genesis Anew!
Flashpoint - The Canterbury Cricket 001 (2011) (Digital-Empire)
Superboy 177 (1971)
Wolverine 014 (2021) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Reverse Flash
Action Comics 604 (1988) (weekly)
Superman Adventures 016 (1998) (digital) (Minutemen-Phantasm)
Wolverine - The Best There Is 005 (2011) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)
Wolverine-Hercules Myths, Monsters & Mutants 01 (2011) (Digital) (GaryKing-Empire)
Alpha Centurion Takes Metropolis!
X-Force 008 (2008) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD)
Booster Gold 045 (2011) (Digital) (JK-Empire)
Wolverine Weapon X 001 (2009) (Minutemen-Delirium-Powers)
Sabretooth Special (1995) (digital) (Minutemen-Bluntman)
Action Comics 341 (1966) ( c2c)
Invincible Universe 008 (2013) (Digital) (Darkness-Empire)
Superman 297
Action Comics 855 (2007) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons)
The New Adventures Of Superboy 028
Wolverine 008 (2004) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Man and Machine : The Brainiac Trilogy, Part 3
The Villain's Journey, Chapter Two: The Belly of the Beast; The Curse of SHAZAM, Part 4
Prologue To Earthwar
Flash Comics 060 (1944) (c2c)
Superboy 029 (1953)
Superman 157 (2000)
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