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Savage Wolverine 017 (2014) (Digital) (HD) (Thornn-Empire)
Smallville - Season 11 010 (2012) (1650px) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
On Our Special Day
Smallville - Season 11 048 (2013) (digital) (jk-Empire)
Action Comics 546 (1983)
Invincible Vol. 19 The War at Home (2014) (Digital TPB Extras) (Zone-Empire)
Adventures of Superman 645 (2005)
Joker: Last Laugh: Doomsday Rex
007 Uncanny X-Men 489
Superman - Secret Origin 01 (of 06) (2009) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD)
Night Of The Super-Assassins!
Wolverine Origins 002 (2006) (Canadian Promo Cover) (Scanpranos-DCP)
Wolverine 018 (2004) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Funeral for a Friend, Part 3: Funeral Day
Fearless Defenders 005 (2013) (Larry Stroman 'Wolverine Through The Ages' )
Death Be Not Proud
Action Comics 080 (1945)
Invincible 007 (2003) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Action Comics 194 (1954)
Superboy 042 (1955)
Superman Family Adventures 007 (2013) (digital-TheGroup)
Action Comics 967 (2017) (2 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Drunk Monk)
Wolverine Weapon X 013 (2010) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD)
Wolverine 077 (Dark) (2009) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire)
X-Force 023 (2010) (digital) (2 covers) (Minutemen-PhD)
Savage Wolverine 001 (2013) (J. Scott Campbell Variant)
Wolverine - First Class 015 (2009) (Digital) (AnPymGold - Empire)
Superboy 005 (1949)
The Evil Factory, Part 3: The Hex Files
Adventures of Superman 045 (2014) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD)
Invincible 090 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
The New Adventures Of Superboy 042
Wolverines 003 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla)
Wolverine Epic Collection v12 - Shadow of Apocalypse (2017) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)
Visions of Grandeur
Wolverine - Three Months To Die - Book Two (2014) (Digital) (F2) (Kileko-Empire)
Action Comics 042 (1941) (c2c) (With Fills) (Vigilante407-DCP)
Wolverines 007 (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla)
Kith and Kin, Part One
Return of Wolverine 001 - Director's Cut Edition (2018) (17 covers) (Zone-Empire)
Superman 069
Adventures of Superman 513 (1994) (digital) (OkC.O.M.P.U.T.O.-Novus-HD)
Wolverine - Return of Weapon X (2013) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)
Invincible 127 (2016) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Supergirl 029 (2014) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Wild Thing 04 (of 05) (2000) (Meganubis)
Smallville - Season 11 060 (2013) (Digital) (JK-Empire)
The Ultimate Battle!
Rotworld: The Green Kingdom, Part Four
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