Random selection
Supergirl 038 (2009) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire)
Necessary Evil
Up, Up and Away!, Chapter 5: Speeding Bullet
Action Comics 351 (1967)
Hunt for Wolverine - Weapon Lost 001 (2018) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Supergirl 079 (2003) (Digital) (AnHeroGold-Empire)
Superman 045 (2015) (2 Covers) (Digital) (Thornn-Empire)
Wolverine 180 (2002) (noads) (DarthMedio-Novus)
Superboy 022 (1992)
130. X-23 #06
The Flash 058 (2019) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
The Hunt!
Action Comics 270 (1960) (c2c)
Wolverine 312 (2012) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Wolverine - Bloody Choices (GN) (1991) (Bchry-DCP)
Hunt for Wolverine - Mystery in Madripoor 004 (2018) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Superboy 055 (1957)
080 - Secret Invasion - Front Line 04 (of 05) (2008) (Minutemen-ReZonesDiva)
The Infinite Man Who Conquered The Legion!
Action Comics 370 [dc]
Adventures of Superman 599 (2002)
Invincible 079 (2011) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
024 - New Warriors 015 (2008) (PF-DCP)
Grounded, Part Seven
Weapon X 03 (of 04) (1995) (digital) (Minutemen-Faessla)
The Flash 045 (2018) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Adventures of Superman 031 (2013) (digital) (Minutemen-PhD)
104. Cable 014
167. Astonishing X-Men 051
Wolverine - Japan's Most Wanted 002 (2013) (Digital) (Nahga-Empire)
Incredible Hulk 180 (1974) (Digital) (AnPymGold - Empire)
Flash 002 (2011) (Variant Cover Only) [extracted] (Avalon-SCC-DCP)
The Name, Pardners, is Terra-Man...
All-New Wolverine 025 (2017) (Digital) (BlackManta-Empire)
Worlds' Finest Vol. 05 - Homeward Bound (2015) (digital) (Minutemen-FlynnLives)
088. Dark Avengers Uncanny X-Men - Utopia 001 03 of 03 covers
Superboy 207 (1975)
X-Men 02
Startarget: Earth
Superboy and the Ravers 007 (1997) (c2c) (Paper) (ActionComics-DCP)
Superman - For All Seasons (1999) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
The Flash by Mark Waid Book 02 (2017) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)
Action Comics 482 (1978)
Superman Beyond 00 (2011) (2 covers) (Minutemen-TwizToons)
Superman 008 (2012) (2 covers) (digital) (Megan-Empire)
It Was a Wonderful Life...
Strange Bedfellows
Superman 023.2 (2013) (Digital) (G85-Empire)
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